Thursday, March 11, 2010

Genteman's Pride Aftershave

Overcome the dry irritation of the daily shave.just smooth on gentleman's pride and let the stabilized aloevera gel and special mix of lubricants and moisturizers sooth and conditions your face.Added antioxidants and botanical extracts make it the all round post aftershave skin comforter


  1. hey gentlemen,this is a must have,get rid of the razorbumps with foreverliving aftershave

  2. i use that.. ..but i don't know how much to apply, how much is enough and is it for after every shaving or i can use it even with a beard cause i don't shave that much. i love the fragrance....

  3. hello,sorry for the delayed reply..yes you can use it with a beard and also after shaving since its an excellent skin conditioner and just use a little of it. the best thing about this product is that it removes the razor bumps caused by frequent shaving..yes it definatly smells amaizing!you want some..
